VEGRO unlocks and maximizes the genetic potential of the crop

Product: September 27, 2023

At C-Green, we have developed Biotechnologies relying on unique and proprietary process of extraction which enable to extract, isolate and concentrate from specific natural biomaterials the best and the most potent natural active compounds within the vegetal kingdom.

VEGRO® contains two main groups of active compounds, one for the “Performance”, the other one for "Protection" to strengthen the immune system of the crop.

Combined together in one product called “VEGRO®” your production will be brought to the next level!

More quality yield, better cosmetic aspect, more uniformity and larger sizes within a healthier crop which will help you to downsize your chemical inputs and reduce subsequently the final chemical residues.

With VEGRO®, you will generate higher value to the production with higher incomes.

The efficacy of VEGRO® has been demonstrated with the most reputable growers and scientists here in America (FL, GA, CA).

All agronomic and scientific data are released on the website at the section of agronomic data.

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