Study Investigator: J. Curtis, Phd
Location of Study: Florida, USA, open field
Study Period: April - June 2017
1 Pint/Acre from 1st flowers, (GS+Vegro®)
No Vegro®
1 Pint/Acre,14 DA App 1, (GS+Vegro®)
No Vegro®
1 Pint/Acre, 14 DA App 3, (GS+Vegro®)
No Vegro®
No other fungicides were applied throughout this study.
Treatment 1 (T1): CONTROL or Ctrl
Treatment 2 (T2):
Treatment 3 (T3): GROWER Standard (GS)
Remark: the fungicides chosen were not utilized simulatanously but in rotation.
Foliar applications were made with a hand-held boom (CO2 operated, 40 PSI) fitted with three (3) nozzles (TXVS8) and sprayed at 50 GPA.
Anthracnose (COLLSP) evaluations were made on 6/3/2017 (5 DAF). Pepper weevil caused extensive crop loss after this time and no further fruit assessments could be made.
All fruit were harvested from each plot (1 PLOT) at 5 DAF. Collected fruit were counted (COUNT) and weighed (LB), then bagged and kept in a large cooler (4 days at 65 degree F) for 2 days and before assessment.
All harvested fruit (5 DAF) were graded.
Fruit were graded into six (6) categories and based on size using USDA guidelines: (1 1/9, 20 to 30 lb): Jumbo - 3 3/4 inch diam., 3 1/2inch length (45 count and fewer).
After incubation, all fruit were assessed for COLLSP disease and any lesion (regardless of size) was rated as damage. The percentage (%) damage to fruit was then calculated for each plot.
In comparison to:
Vegro® helps to improve the efficacy of the fungicides:
For Quality Yield:
Fruit count:
Weight count:
For fruit size distribution:
In comparison between [T2] and [T3]:
Objectives: When applied by foliar spray, to demonstrate the ability of Vegro® to improve the efficacy of the fungicides for the antrachnose control and to help to grow more natural. Main parameters monitored for this study: Pressure disease (severity); Yield (weight & fruit counts) and fruit size distribution.
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The Severity of Antrachnose is reduced by -8% between [T2] and [T3] the Grower Std. In this matter, Vegro® improves by +8% the efficacy of the fungicides added to the control and which constitute de facto the grower standard. Fungicides added were utilized not simultaneously but in rotation.
Vegro® improves the count weight difference between [T2] Vs [T3] by +65 pieces so, +25.5% progression. Here it demonstrates the ability of Vegro® to improve the quality yield.
+5 Lbs (+16.7%) difference between [T2] and [T3]. Again it shows the capacity of Vegro® to promote a yield of quality in Weight count.
Vegro® makes the difference on the fruit size distribution on Medium (-3.3%), Large (+6.2%), Extra large (+2%) and Jumbo's (0.6%). Trash is -2.5% in [T2] compared to [T3].
By numerical order:
[T2] is the best treatment (Vegro® + the fungicides)