Veggies - Bell peppers "special quality yield and Antrachnose disease"

Study Investigator: J. Curtis, Phd

Location of Study: Florida, USA, open field

Study Period: April - June 2017

[T2] Main Program for this trial with VEGRO® in Open Field
App 1

1 Pint/Acre from 1st flowers, (GS+Vegro®)

App 2

No Vegro®

App 3

1 Pint/Acre,14 DA App 1, (GS+Vegro®)

App 4

No Vegro®

App 5

1 Pint/Acre, 14 DA App 3, (GS+Vegro®)

App 6

No Vegro®


No other fungicides were applied throughout this study.

Treatment 1 (T1): CONTROL or Ctrl

  • • Control program: Plants were maintained at a commercial level (fertilizer).
  • • Vydate (2 pt./acre) was applied for pepper weevil control each week during the last four weeks of this study.
  • • No fungicides

Treatment 2 (T2):

  • • Control program.
  • • Bravo Weatherstick (1.5 pint/acre) 
  • • Vegro® (1 pint/acre) as described above (program)
  • • Cuprofix (2 Lbs/acre) for 3 last applications
  • • Manzate max (2 Qts/acre) 3 last applications

Treatment 3 (T3): GROWER Standard (GS)

  • • Control program.
  • • Bravo Weatherstick (1.5 pint/acre) 
  • • Cuprofix (2 Lbs/acre) for 3 last applications
  • • Manzate max (2 Qts/acre) 3 last applications

Remark: the fungicides chosen were not utilized simulatanously but in rotation.




Foliar applications were made with a hand-held boom (CO2 operated, 40 PSI) fitted with three (3) nozzles (TXVS8) and sprayed at 50 GPA.




Anthracnose (COLLSP) evaluations were made on 6/3/2017 (5 DAF). Pepper weevil caused extensive crop loss after this time and no further fruit assessments could be made.





All fruit were harvested from each plot (1 PLOT) at 5 DAF. Collected fruit were counted (COUNT) and weighed (LB), then bagged and kept in a large cooler (4 days at 65 degree F) for 2 days and before assessment.




All harvested fruit (5 DAF) were graded.

Fruit were graded into six (6) categories and based on size using USDA guidelines: (1 1/9, 20 to 30 lb): Jumbo - 3 3/4 inch diam., 3 1/2inch length (45 count and fewer).



COLLSP (pest code) - Colletotrichum sp., = US

After incubation, all fruit were assessed for COLLSP disease and any lesion (regardless of size) was rated as damage. The percentage (%) damage to fruit was then calculated for each plot.



  • Plastic beds (32-foot top x 6 feet tall and 6-foot row spacing).
  • Bell Pepper, variety: Crusader
  • Transplanted in two row/bed (12” plant spacing) on Apr. 1, 2017.

Study Results


Vegro® brings +8% more efficacy to the fungicides between [T2] and [T3] GS

+65 Pcs

More fruit count between [T2] and [T3] GS


Fruit count wise, in % between [T2] and [T3] GS

+5 Lbs

More weight count between [T2] and [T3] GS


In percentage between [T2] and [T3] (Vegro® net contribution).


More LARGE sizes with Vegro® in [T2] than in [T3] GS


More JUMBO's size with Vegro® in [T2] than in [T3] GS


Less Trash for Grower in [T2] than [T3] GS


Vegro® is zero Phytotoxicity

In comparison to:

Vegro® helps to improve the efficacy of the fungicides:

  • +8% is the net contribution of Vegro® to demonstrate its ability to improve the efficacy of the fungicides. Ref/ [T2] Vegro®+ fungicides Vs [T3] Fungicides without Vegro®
  • + 43% is the net gap between [T1] the control without fungicides and [T2] Vegro®+fungicides. 

For Quality Yield:

Fruit count:

  • +65 Pieces of fruit in difference between [T2] Vs [T3] GS
  • +25.5% in percentage

Weight count:

  • +5 Lbs more weight between [T2] and [T3] GS
  • +16.7%, In percentage

For fruit size distribution:

  • T1:28% trash; 40% Small; 28 Medium; 4% Large; 0% XL; 0% Jumbo’s.
  • T2: 5% trash; 32% Small; 42% Medium; 15% Large; 5% XL; 1.1% Jumbo’s.
  • T3: 7.5% trash; 32% Small; 45.3% Medium; 8.8% Large; 2.5% XL; 0.5% Jumbo’s

In comparison between [T2] and [T3]:

  • +6.2% more large size
  • +2% more Jumbo's size
  • -2.5% Less trash between

Objectives: When applied by foliar spray, to demonstrate the ability of Vegro® to improve the efficacy of the fungicides for the antrachnose control and to help to grow more natural. Main parameters monitored for this study: Pressure disease (severity); Yield (weight & fruit counts) and fruit size distribution.

For a better view of the graphs and charts, reposition your mobile device into landscape mode.

Severity Antrachnose >> +8% efficacy between [T2] Vs [T3] GS

The Severity of Antrachnose is reduced by -8% between [T2] and [T3] the Grower Std. In this matter, Vegro® improves by +8% the efficacy of the fungicides added to the control and which constitute de facto the grower standard. Fungicides added were utilized not simultaneously but in rotation.

Fruit Count Difference (In pieces) >> +65 Pcs more fruits between [T2] and [T3].

Vegro® improves the count weight difference between [T2] Vs [T3] by +65 pieces so, +25.5% progression. Here it demonstrates the ability of Vegro® to improve the quality yield.

Weight count Difference >> +9 Lbs more weight count between [T2] Vs [T3]

+5 Lbs (+16.7%) difference between [T2] and [T3]. Again it shows the capacity of Vegro® to promote a yield of quality in Weight count.

Fruit Size Distribution

Vegro® makes the difference on the fruit size distribution on Medium (-3.3%), Large (+6.2%), Extra large (+2%) and Jumbo's (0.6%). Trash is -2.5% in [T2] compared to [T3].


By numerical order:

  • • [T1] Control + No fungicides
  • • [T2] Ctrl + Vegro® + Fungicides
  • • [T3] Ctrl + Fungicides + NO Vegro®

[T2] is the best treatment (Vegro® + the fungicides)