Study Investigator: J. Curtis, Phd

Location of Study: Florida, USA, open field

Study Period: May - August 2017

[T4] Program for this trial with CYAN 365® in Open Field
App 1

1 Quart/Acre


App 2

1 Quart/Acre


App 3

1 Quart/Acre


App 4

1 Quart/Acre


  • Grapefruit tree, (white on swingle root stock), 28 years old. 12 feet high on average and hedged every year.
  • Row spacing 24 ft. x 14 ft.
  • Each plot comprised 5 trees (24 ft. width x 70 ft. length) and each plot was separated by an untreated buffer tree.
  • x4 times replicated per treatment.
  • CONTROL (Ctrl):
  • NO fungicides were applied to the test section during this study.

TOTAL: 4 applications (A, B, C, D) at the periodicity of once a month.

  • [T1] Control (Ctrl)     
  • [T2] Ctrl + HEADLINE @ 12 fl. oz. per acre + NIS @ 0.125% V/V
  • [T3] Ctrl + QUADRIS TOP @ 15 fl. oz. per acre + NIS @ 0.125% V/V
  • [T4] Ctrl + CYAN 365® @ 1 quart per acre
  • [T2] & [T3] are Grower Standard programs
  • Agronomic study conducted in open field in genuine & authentic conditions.
  • One's most reputed citrus grower in the Indian river district, FL, USA
  • Study realized in a grove of about 1,000 acres
  • Groves where Greening (HLB) disease is present at 100%, where there is canker, greasy spots, Melanose, leaf miner, ruste mites...
  • It is also to noticeable that this study has been realized concomitantly with the one for Greasy spots.
  • Exact same population of trees and fruits. 
  • Same treartments
  • Same period of time
MELANOSE (Fungus disease)

Study Results


Less melanose on fruit


less melanose on foliage

+88 Pcs

More fruit count


Less fruit drop


Equals performance of best fungicides


Less melanose on foliage than Quadris Top

+10 Pcs

More fruit count than Quadris Top (per tree)


Cyan 365® is zero Phyto-toxicity

<strong>In comparison to the grower standard:</strong>

For Disease Control: (Melanose pressure)

  • +/-1% Severity on FRUIT: [T4] Ctrl + Cyan 365® equal in performance the grower standards in [T2] & [T3]
  • -8% Less severity on FOLIAGE: [T4] Ctrl + Cyan 365® is surpassing the performance of the grower standards in [T3]
  • -3% Less severity on FOLIAGE: [T4] Ctrl + Cyan 365® is surpassing the performance of the grower standards in [T2]
  • -16% Less severity on FRUIT [T4] Ctrl + Cyan 365® Vs [T1] Ctrl only, shows the potential by itself of Cyan 365®
  • -44.5% Reduction rate on FRUIT of the severity between [T4] and [T1]
  • -31% Less severity on FOLIAGE [T4] Ctrl + Cyan 365® Vs [T1] Ctrl only, shows the potential by itself of Cyan 365®
  • -45% Reduction rate on FOLIAGE of the severity between [T4] and [T1]


For Quality Yield:

  • +10 Pcs (+3%) of fruit count between [T3] and [T4] Cyan 365®.
  • +7 Lbs (+5%) of weight count between [T3] GS and [T4] Cyan 365®.
  • NS (non significant) less premature fruit drop between [T4] Cyan 365® and [T2] & [T3].
  • +88 Pcs (+35.3%) More fruit count between [T1] Ctrl and [T4] Ctrl+Cyan 365®
  • +20 Lbs (+15%) More weight count between [T1] Ctrl and [T4] Ctrl+Cyan 365®


For Early fruit drop reduction:


  • -62 Pcs (+31.5%) Less premature fruit drop count between [T1] Ctrl alone and [T4] Ctrl+Cyan 365®.


For Fruit Size Distribution:

In comparison to the Control untreated

  • +100% for size 23ø
  • +4% for size 27ø
  • +2% for size 32ø
  • +7% for size 36ø

Objectives: To demonstrate the ability of CYAN 365® to improve the efficacy of the fungicides for melanose but also to help to grow more quality yield, more natural, more sustainable and more profitable. Main parameters monitored for this study: Pressure disease (Melanose both on fruit + foliage), for yield (early fruit drop, weight & fruit counts + fruit size distribution).

For a better view of the graphs and charts, reposition your mobile device into landscape mode.

Severity of Melanose disease on both, fruit & foliage

CYAN 365® in [T4] demonstrates that alternative solutions with natural products can perform as well and if not better than chemical products. Here we see that the severity of melanose on the fruit is equal in efficacy by +/-1% between [T2] & [T3]. But it is even more impressive on the FOLIAGE, here we see Cyan 365® [T4] surpassing in efficacy the Grower Standards in [T2] & [T3]. It also demonstrate here the ability of Cyan 365® to play on this fungal disease. It helps to reduce the presence of Melanose over the fruit or foliage by about -45% in comparison between the control alone [T1] and the Ctrl with Cyan 365® [T4]. Also check the numbers on fruit count and weight count within the same comparison.Cyan 365® is not a fungicide but it shows here clearly what could be the interest to combine it with fungicides.

Fruit Count (in pieces)

Fruit count difference wise (in pieces), Cyan 365® alone [T4] shows its ability to compete against the Grower Standards in [T2] & [T3]. It is even surpassing by +10 pcs [T3]. Between [T1] Ctrl alone and [T4] Ctrl+Cyan 365®, there is +88 pcs (+35.3%) of fruit count difference.

Weight Count (in Lbs)

Weight count difference wise (in Lbs), Cyan 365® [T4], same thing, it competes against the Grower Standards in [T2] & [T3]. Between [T1] Ctrl alone and [T4] Ctrl+Cyan 365®, there is +20 Lbs (+15%) of weight count difference. It is even surpassing [T3]. With Cyan 365®, you grow more natural, more sustainable and more profitable!

Drop Count (in pieces)

Less drop count wise [T4] Cyan 365® alone shows its ability to compete against other Grower Standards [T2] & [T3]. [T4] Ctrl + Cyan 365® compared to [T1] Ctrl alone, shows the interest of Cyan 365® on the premature fruit drop reduction, -62 pcs (-31.5%). With Cyan 365®, you grow more natural, more sustainable and more profitable!

Fruit size distribution by most marketable sizes

Progression ratio in % from Cyan 365® (T4) Vs Grower Std. (T1)

Progression rate by most marketable sizes