Study Investigator: UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA - USA - W. Scott Montfort (investigator), David Conger (Director)
Location of Study: SUNBELT EXPO
Study Period: 2018
1 Pint/Acre
Main stem elongation
1 Pint/Acre
Inflorescence emergence
1 Quart/Acre
Flowering emergence
1 Quart/Acre
1 Quart/Acre
Fruit growth & Seeds
The Grower standard is [T1], also called untreated. Every following treatments from [T2] to [T8] have been placed on top of the grower standard [T1].
• [T1] Grow. Std Untreated
• [T2] Synth. Hormone M
• [T3] Synth. Hormone R
• [T4] Synth. Hormone S
• [T5] Nutritional complex
• [T6] AA Complex
• [T7] Microbes complex
• [T8] Vegro®
Director of the study: David Conger (Crop and Soil sciences)
Supervisor: W. Scott Montfort (supervisor)
Piece count and weight count and calibration, directly made by the grower himself.
+20% Quality yield (kernels in Lb per plot) Vs the Grower standard.
+15% (Avg), Vegro® is more efficient than Synthetic hormones considered into this trial.
+17% (Avg), Vegro® is more efficient than Amino Acid complex considered in this trial.
Except the yield, Vegro® compared to the Grower Standard has the less incidence on the size of the crop.
Vegro® is significantly the best treatement in this study. It brings the best ratio of Kernel per acre, About +20% extra yield,
and it demonstrates that the energy brought by Vegro® is oriented toward the fertilization process of the Kernel.
With Vegro®, More peanut is not equal to more vegetation... In other word the money spent for Vegro® is the best return on investment.
Objectives: Agronomic study conducted in 2018 by the University of Georgia on peanuts with the goal to evaluate the impact on the yield, different products supposed to improve it.
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