Study Investigator: J. Curtis, Phd
Location of Study: Florida, USA, open field
Study Period: July to October 2018
1 Quart/Acre
Jun. 20
1 Quart/Acre
Jul. 11
1 Quart/Acre
Aug. 1
1 Quart/Acre
Aug. 23
1 Quart/Acre
Sep. 13
1 Quart/Acre
Oct. 03
2 Qts/Acre
Jun. 20
2 Qts/Acre
Jul. 11
2 Quart/Acre
Aug. 1
2 Quart/Acre
Aug. 23
2 Quart/Acre
Sep. 13
2 Quart/Acre
Oct. 03
No fungicide applications were made by grower on this test site.
Applied: A,B,C,D,E,F and replicated 4 times
Treatment 1 [T1]: Control AKA Ctrl
Applied: A,B,C,D,E,F and replicated 4 times
Treatment 2 [T2]: (Cyan 365® inside)
Applied: A,B,C,D,E,F and replicated 4 times
Treatment 3 [T3]: (Cyan 365® inside)
Applied: A,B,C,D,E,F and replicated 4 times
Treatment 4 [T4]: (Cyan 365® inside)
Applied: A,B,C,D,E,F and replicated 4 times
Treatment 5 [T5]: (NO Cyan 365®),
Also can be called as Grower Standard in full (with fungicide)
Applied: A,B,C,D,E,F and replicated 4 times
Objectives: To demonstrate the ability of CYAN 365® to improve the efficacy of the fungicides for the reduction of Canker disease but also to help to grow more quality yield, more natural, more sustainable and more profitable. Main parameters monitored for this study: Fruit, foliage, Fruit & Leaf drop
For a better view of the graphs and charts, reposition your mobile device into landscape mode.
Cyan 365® is definitively bringing its contribution in helping to reduce the canker disease on citrus. Here after are the results on FRUIT (navel trees):
Results are: (By passing the cursor over the bars of the graph, result and legend will appear)
[T2] is the best treatment, then comes [T4]
Important remarks: This graph shows also some strategies that growers should avoid. Like using Cyan 365 @ 2Qts/Acre, it doesn't work and can eventually be counter productive.
Cyan 365® is definitively bringing its contribution in helping to reduce the canker disease on citrus. Here after are the results on foliage (navel trees):
Results are: (By passing the cursor over the bars of the graph, result and legend will appear)
[T4] is the best treatment, then comes [T2]
Important remarks: Cyan 365® applied at the rate of 2 Qts/Acre is counter productive when at the rate of 1 Qt/acre it works at best.
Here after are the results on FRUIT (navel trees):
Results are: (By passing the cursor over the bars of the graph, result and legend will appear)
[T4] is the best treatment, then comes [T2]
Important remarks:
Here after are the results on FOLIAGE (navel trees):
Results are: (By passing the cursor over the bars of the graph, result and legend will appear)
[T4] is the best treatment, then comes [T2]
Important remarks: Even more impact here on Foliage with [T2] (Cyan 365® + NO fungicide)